1. Drag and drop "Background Pattern" object from Inspector panel to the canvas, place into any responsive section
2. Select video file
3. Select image file as placeholder image. (image will be displayed before video fully loads)
The video background is currently designed to be horizontally centered on the device, the video width will adjust to fit the screen width but the background is designed to occupy the full screen height.
General guidelines for adding video backgrounds:
- Test video background in "Preview". (Please note video backgrounds do not show in the editor, please use "Preview" or publish the page in order to test the video background)
- When using a video background, we also recommend adding a photo as the "image background", this allows the page to display the image background while the video is downloading, providing the web visitor with a better experience.
- While you can technically add any sized video as the background, please keep the file size in mind as you select videos. A smaller video will load faster and will consume less server bandwidth. Try to keep your video file size under 10 mb. If you're looking for examples of videos suitable for website backgrounds, check out